Monday, April 27, 2015

Yesterday, I participated in a Pulpit Swap with my good friend Jeremy, the pastor of Thornville United Methodist Church.  Jeremy and I share a blog, which you can find here.  Jeremy came to my church and addressed my congregation, and I went to his.  It was an interesting experiment.  I had to step out of my comfort zone of my own church and address a large group of people I had never met before; it was a frightening task.

Before I went in, though, I prayed.  I prayed the Shema (Hear, oh Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One).  I prayed "Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the Universe."  And yes, I prayed "Dear Father, please help!"

But I went. I set aside my own fears, my own insecurities, my own doubts, and I preached the message I had prepared for them.  And it was wonderful!  They were a great congregation, the sermon went very well, it was fun to give, and it was very well received.  

Aren't I awesome?

Well, actually, no.  I'm not.  But God is.  When I went to the strange place to speak to the unknown people on the uncertain topic, I set aside all my own negativity and I focused on Christ, who is the author and perfector of my faith.  I set myself aside, and I let The Holy Spirit speak.  When we are willing to do that, wonderful things can happen.  He can use me... He can use you (yes, even you!) for His Holy purpose.

And all you have to do is to die.  Isn't that easy?  

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Friday, April 3, 2015

I am always impressed when an academic says they DON'T know something.  I am always impressed when a leader of the church admits there is something they don't understand.  I have encountered secular professors who would literally make up a story on the spot and pass it off as fact before they admitted what they didn't know: once I made sport of a professor and asked the same question three times in six weeks, and got three different answers.

I said all that to say this:

I am glad that David Watson teaches at the seminary where I study.

Read this.  You'll be glad you did.